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Legal notice

This section includes information about the general conditions of access and use of the website www.catalunyabusturistic.com, which must be known to the user, pursuant to the provisions made in Spanish Law 34/2002, of 11 July 2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

1. Information about the owner of the website www.catalunyabusturistic.com

Owner: Catalunya Bus Turístic UTE

Tax ID code (CIF): U63233696

Address: Avda. Miramar 20-30 1ª planta, Barcelona

email: tickets@catalunyabusturistic.com

Telephone: 933 289 255

Registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona in Volume 9,009, Page 92, registration sheet number B-21,019.


2. Conditions of access to www.catalunyabusturistic.com

Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users and it is assumed that they know and accept the legal warnings, terms and conditions that it contains.

Access to services offered through the website www.catalunyabusturistic.com is free of charge and does not, generally speaking, require users to pre-subscribe or register; notwithstanding the fact that, in order to access certain services, such as the purchase of products, it is necessary to fill in a form in advance.

Any user who does not agree to the content of these general browsing conditions must leave the website and cannot access it or take advantage of the services it offers.

All users guarantee that they are over 14 years old. They also guarantee the truth and authenticity of the information they provide, where appropriate, and they also commit to keeping this information updated.

CBT can amend, at any time and as it sees fit, the configuration of this website, its service conditions and its content, and can also eliminate, limit or suspend them temporarily or permanently, or prevent access to it, ensuring that the user is informed about this change, if circumstances permit, by publishing on the website.


3. Conditions of use of www.catalunyabusturistic.com

The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the services and/or content of the website and not use them for illicit activities or those that constitute a crime and/or infringe the provisions established in this legal notice, the law on intellectual or industrial property, or any other rule of law. The use made of the information contained on this website is the sole responsibility of the user.

The user guarantees the authenticity and veracity of all data communicated to CBT through different online forms, and takes responsibility for inaccurate or untrue information provided.

Additionally, the user undertakes not to enter, transmit or disseminate any of the following, included as examples but not limited exclusively to:

  • Content that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, defends terrorism or is detrimental to human rights
  • Content that encourages behaviour that is criminal, denigrating, defamatory, violent or, in general, contrary to the law, moral standards, good customs and public order.
  • Information passed to unauthorised third parties about users' names and their passwords. And if the password is received by another user, the latter commits to telling CBT about it immediately.
  • Information or content that involves the violation of intellectual property and industrial property rights (including, but not limited to, patents, brands and copyright), of CBT or of third parties.
  • Unauthorised or unsolicited advertising, spam, chain emails, pyramid schemes, etc.
  • Data programmes (virus and malware —malicious software—) likely to cause damage to the computer systems of the access provider, their suppliers or third-party internet users.


4. Exemption from liability

CBT is unable to control the use made by users of the website www.catalunyabusturistic.com and its content, and is therefore not responsible for damages and losses of any nature arising from the illegal, incorrect, inappropriate, partial or non-compliant use made by the user of these conditions of access and use, as well as any other condition that might be found on this website with respect to any of its services, without prejudice, under any circumstances, of the legal actions that correspond to CBT or to third parties.

CBT is unable to guarantee the permanent availability and operational functionality of the website or the information, content, software, materials or products it includes.

Therefore, all liability is excluded for damages of any kind arising from the lack of availability or continuous functioning of the website, its services and the use that users can make of it.

Notwithstanding, CBT will make every possible effort to maintain the continuous availability of this website.

Similarly, CBT will not take responsibility for potential errors or security deficiencies that may arise through the use, by a user, of a browser that is not updated or otherwise insecure, or by activating devices that remember passwords or user identification codes registered in the browser, or damage, errors and inaccuracies that may arise from misuse or malfunction.

For this reason, the user exonerates CBT from any responsibility with regard to reliability, usefulness, or false expectation that the website may give rise to while browsing.

In the event that a user causes any type of damage or loss to a third party, that user takes sole responsibility. Additionally, the user will assume all expenses, costs and, where applicable, compensation that might arise from legal proceedings resulting from a breach of what is established in these conditions and of the applicable law.


5. Intellectual and industrial property

All of the website content (including, but not limited to, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, maps, frames, banners, software and its different source codes, audio and video), as well as the website itself as a visual presentation, are the property of CBT, or of its content providers, who have licensed or assigned its use, and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property regulations. The compilation (understood as being the compiling, design, ordering and assembly) of the entire website content belongs exclusively to CBT.

All of the software used in the use and development of the website belongs to CBT or its software suppliers, and is protected by national and international legislation on industrial and intellectual property.

It is prohibited for any user, without prior written permission from CBT or from the owners of the intellectual property rights or any other property rights of the content, to undertake the following actions with regard to the website and its content, including but no limited to:

  1. a) Any form of public communication, by any means, including making it available to the general public, so that anyone can access it at any time and from any place of their choosing
  2. b) Any form of distribution including, but not limited to, sale, rent or loan.
  3. c) Any form of reproduction of the website and its content in its entirety or in part, whether direct or indirect, temporary or permanent, by whatever means and in whatever format.
  4. d) Any form of transformation, total or partial, including the creation of derivative products or services.
  5. e) Any other form of access that includes the previous methods or other different ones.
  6. f) Any direct or indirect form of extraction or reuse of the whole or a substantial part of the content of any database, and the repeated and systematic reuse of its non-substantial parts.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user can freely view the website and its content and download material for personal and non-commercial use, without this being extended to third person individuals or entities whether it be for payment or free of charge.

Consequently, making available the use of databases, images, drawings, graphics, text, audio and video files and software owned by CBT or its suppliers that feature on the website, and any other content does not, under any circumstances, imply the transfer of ownership or granting the right of use in favour of a user.

Any brands, signs, distinctive symbols or logos that appear on the website are the property of CBT, or else they have been licensed or assigned by the owner and are duly registered or in the process of being registered. The unauthorised or improper use of these elements is a breach of the industrial property rights of CBT or of other third party owners.


6. Procedure in the case of illegal actions

CBT ensures that the content of this website does not contain anything of a pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory, racist or defamatory nature, nor does it incite violence. Likewise, it seeks to avoid any circumstances that could be detrimental to users.

In the event that any user or third party feels that there are facts or circumstances that reveal an illicit use of any content or any action undertaken in the websites included or accessible through this website and especially any that reveal a violation of industrial or intellectual property rights, or other rights, they should send a notification to CBT, which must include the following information:

Personal details of the person making the claim: name, address, phone number and email address.

A specification of the alleged illicit activity and a precise and specific indication of the protected content, as well as its location on the website.

In the event of an infringement of rights: personal information of the owner of the rights that have allegedly been infringed or of the person authorised to represent them and their signature.

A solemn declaration by the claimant that the information supplied in the notification is exact and that the use made of the contents or the undertaking of the activities described is illicit.


7. Links to third parties

It is strictly prohibited for the user to make alterations to this website which may affect its content, such as actions relating to connections (or links) and similar modifications.

Links to this website are also prohibited from websites or media that contravene the law, moral standards, public order or that damage the good name and image of any TMB company or any of its distinguishing features.

Links to any of the pages on this website that do not contravene the aforementioned prohibitions must comply with the following:

The user must be aware that they are accessing this website and that, in addition, the URL corresponding to the page with which they are linked should appear in the browser.


8. Links to www.catalunyabusturistic.com

It is strictly prohibited for the user to make alterations to this website which may affect its content, such as actions related to connections (or links) and similar.

Links to this website are also prohibited from websites or media that contravene the law, moral standards, public order or that damage the good name and image of CBT or any of its distinguishing features.

Links to any of the pages on this website that do not contravene the aforementioned prohibitions must comply with the following:

The user must be aware that they are accessing this website and that, in addition, the URL corresponding to the page with which they are linked should appear in the browser.


9. Legislation and jurisdiction

The general conditions of this legal notice and any other contractual text relating to this website are governed by the provisions of Spanish law.

For any dispute arising from the access to or use of this website and its contents and services, and from the interpretation and compliance with these general conditions and any other contractual text from this website, the parties involved specifically renounce any other jurisdiction that may apply to them and expressly submit themselves to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain).


© 2018 CBT