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Privacy policy

Personal data protection

In accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April 2016) (GDPR), we inform you that the company CBT, as the data controller of the personal data of its users, is committed to protecting them and processing them in a confidential way. This protection extends to everything relating to the gathering and use of the information provided via the internet.

In this respect, CBT guarantees, under the terms established in Article 5 of the GDPR, that your personal data will be processed in a lawful, appropriate, precise and limited manner for the specific purposes made known to the user, and that the appropriate technical and organisational measures have been incorporated into the company's facilities and systems.

CBT may pass personal data to the competent public authorities and provide them with any other information held in its files, through its computer systems, when they are requested to do so, in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions in each case.

In compliance with the provisions of Article 13 of the GDPR, whenever personal data is requested from website users for processing, they will, as a minimum, be duly informed of the identity and contact information of the data controller, the purpose for which the data is being obtained, the legal basis, the potential recipients, the period it will be kept for and the rights that data subjects are entitled to, as well as any other stipulation dictated by current legislation at the time.

In any case, CBT will use the data provided by users for the purpose for which it was requested and will only send information about its products with the express authorisation of the user.



User can exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, portability, restriction and objection by sending an email to tickets@catalunyabusturistic.com, or by writing to the CBT registered office at the following postal address: Avda. Miramar 20-30 1ª planta, Barcelona, in which the following reference needs to appear: “GDPR Rights”. Likewise, data subjects also have the right to submit a complaint, if they consider it appropriate, to APDCAT (The Catalan Data Protection Authority).

Advertising policy

The company CATALUNYA BUS TURÍSTIC UTE (hereinafter CBT), as advised above, is the owner of your personal data and will use them to manage the provision of the services contracted.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you expressly authorise us to do so by ticking the “advertising policy” check-box, your personal data can also be used to contact you by any method, including via the internet, with the objective of commercially advertising the services offered by the companies that make up the TMB group.

For this treatment, the legal basis of the treatment is consent, and your data will be held until such time as you expressly advise us of your wish to revoke it. 

You may exercise your rights of access, opposition, rectification and cancellation. To do so, you should contact TMB by sending an email at atencioclient@tmb.cat or write to the postal address of the TMB registered office: Carrer 60, número 21-23, sector A, Polígon Industrial de la Zona Franca, 08040, Barcelona, quoting reference: “GDPR Rights”. If your rights are not dealt with you can contact APDCAT (the Catalan Data Protection Authority)